About Dr Stephen Ezra West

Founder of Clarity University
Dr. Stephen Ezra West – ‘Dr Ez’

DD, PMD & DL* (Doctor of Divinity, Preventive Medicine & Lymphology)
One page Bio .pdf

Dr West is one of the world’s most knowledgeable, inspirational, life changing, pain relief, regeneration and empowerment experts.

Dr Stephen Ezra West

A top researcher, developer and teacher of the cause, prevention, and reversal of the most painful, crippling and killer diseases, such as COVID-19, heart disease and cancer.

With 30 years of experience, focused primarily on applied physiology of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual healing and empowerment, he has blessed countless lives while speaking throughout the world and consistently generates legendary successes and empowerment of audiences as he performs many live demos of more than a dozen new techniques, including his exclusive Instant Mass Healing™.

He has been featured on many platforms:

• T Harv Ecker – Extreme Health, Total Health, Body Mind Spirit, International Congress of Lymphology, International Iridology Congress, Health Freedom, New Earth, New Living, Conscious Life, 5D, BioMed, Integrative Wellness, ANMA (American Naturopathic Medical Association), and more.

• Television:

Dr Stephen Ezra West in the Media - Discovery Channel ABC CBS FOX NBC

• Film – GoRebound documentary.

• Internationally:  United States (Hawaii), Taiwan, Australia, Europe, Canada, Bahamas, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia (Bali). Planning India, Egypt, Dubai, and more.

As common with high performance athletes, he has experienced very serious injuries; from torn and bulged discs in his spine, a grade 2 labrum tear in his shoulder, a completely severed PCL (Posterior Cruciate Ligament) in his knee, and TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). Yet he has uncommonly always healed himself, without drugs or surgery of any kind, and has over 30 years of experience in teaching ordinary people how to heal themselves!

Dr West has been given a sacred gift with one of the most intuitive minds, and he firmly believes we are all capable of becoming geniuses in our own way.

His contributions are vast and include Master Keys to Zero Disease; Power Heal & Power Stem Cell as leading self healing techniques; Prenatal Empowerment as the leading edge of education; and The Laws of Empowerment, which reveals how Integration of Truth = Life, while Disintegration of Truth = Death, and integrates the greatest thought leaders legacies of every lineage through a multi-culture and interfaith friendly, World Peace building system.

So from your greatest pains, anything you’re most afraid of and everything you feel is most out of alignment with either your personal life or World Peace, Dr West offers us a stronger foundation to talk about it and shift the chaos into clarity of healing, peace, love, joy and prosperity!

He has a reputation for generating many live success stories wherever he is asked to present his gifts.

Power Heal

The new and improved Applied Lymphology Course, Power Heal YOU!  Learn why and how it’s possible to Power Heal faster than ever before.

A bit more detailed description and history of Dr Stephen Ezra West:

Born in Arizona, both he and his father, also ‘Dr West’, are world famous for their life saving work.  Since we’re presenting two of them, sometimes we refer to Dr Stephen Ezra West as ‘Dr Ez’, so you know which Dr West we’re referring to.

• Since graduating from college in 1993, he has been an honored guest of many television and radio shows, presenting the secrets of cellular physiology and lymphology, which began right along side his father.  He has developed many new regeneration methods and educational programs.

• At the beginning of the AIDS scare in 1993, he took the initiative and challenge of helping AIDS victims to zero convert.  Zero converting means: after already initially testing positive, the lymphatic system had purified their bodies to the point that the HIV antibodies no longer showed up in their HIV blood screening tests.

• In 1994 – Power Stem Cell™ technique:  he credits divine inspiration for making this major breakthrough – the discovery of how to produce and transport adult stem cells with this revolutionary self-help technique.  This is the one and only process we know of that has been designed to enable you to produce and transport your own adult stem cells, without drinking urine or using any products, without needles, and without transporting someone else’s blue print into your body!

Using this technique 29 years ago, he re-attached his PCL (Posterior Cruciate Ligament) in his left knee, which had been completely severed as he was t-boned directly on the side of the left knee in a horrific wave runner accident.  Both wave runners were spit up from end to end and completely totaled with his knee caught in between them!  The one he was sitting on was knocked completely off it’s chassis.  The top orthopedic surgeons told him his PCL would not re-attach and would be absorbed by the body over time, without surgery.  He has had full use of his knee over the past quarter century and a newer MRI proves his PCL re-attached, without surgery!

In June of 2017 the Power Stem Cell technique was used to re-attach the right and left hemisphere of Steve Jennings brain, within 24 hours. And within 24 hours they unplugged Steve Jennings from life support.  They claimed Steve Jennings would never be able to breathe on his own, without life support, because the neurons that connect the right and left hemispheres were severed, yet within 24 hours of initiating the Power Stem Cell technique, they unplugged Steve Jennings from life support and he was breathing on his own.  Unfortunately, Cedar Sinai Medical Center in Hollywood continued to administer morphine until he died 48 hours after they took him off life support.  Many say greed was a factor as they make a fortune on heart transplants.  The video of the actual live healing session for Steve Jennings is currently available in a membership area with the rest of the Power Heal techniques.

Although there are several factors in aging, the stem cells are the most powerful regeneration cells in the body, and they help reverse some key aspects of the aging process (the master of all degenerative diseases).

About 30 years ago, the Power Stem Cell™ technique was born, yet this major breakthrough is still very new considering the grand timeline.  And through time, research will continue to prove how effective this technique really is.  As of the past 30 years, we still don’t know anyone with greater success stories.

The Power Stem Cell™ method doesn’t actually cost anything to actually do, once you know how!  Specifically produce and transport your own adult stem cells to where you would like to update your genetic data back to your perfect divine blueprint.

• In 1995 – he was a participant of the International Congress of Lymphology in Sao Palo, Brazil, where he and his father provided two presentations:  The Cause Of A.I.D.S., How The H.I.V. Virus Kills, And How To Stop It, and How Energy From Various Sources Can Activate The Lymphatic System To Heal The Body.  At the same time, his father was honored to accept the assignment of Chairman over these and many other doctors’ presentations at this Congress.  There he also met many of the top medical research scientists and lymphologists in the world, including past presidents of the society, Dr. Waldemar Lech Olszewski of Poland and Dr. Mario Degni of Brazil, who were on his father’s advisory board until he died.  He also met Dr. Joseph Beninson of MI., Dr. Jack Shields of CA., Dr. Casley Smith of Australia, Drs Charles and Marlys Whitte of AZ., and many more.

Historically, Dr Jack Shields, was the first person to photograph the activation of the lymphatic system with Lymphography.  And Dr John R Casley Smith, a former ISL Past President from Australia, wrote the Lymphatic Manifesto, revealing that even though the Lymphatic System is one of the 12-14 systems in the body, and even though the lymph vessels are more extensive than the blood vessels and there is more lymph than blood in the body, for every 200 pages in all the medical textbooks of Anatomy, Pathology, and Physiology, there is less than one page dedicated to share information about the lymphatic system.

Even today, there is still not one course on Lymphology is being taught in any other College, University, or Medical School in the USA.  This neglected area of research lays the scientific foundation of all the healing arts and reveals why it’s possible for people to heal themselves without drugs, surgery, or medication of any kind.

 Of his greatest accomplishments, he is a father to three Power Plant Babies™, now all beautiful adults.

• In 1997 – he was inspired with the laws governing Prenatal Empowerment™.  As far as we can tell over the past 21 years to show as a track record of results, the children who have been activated all 9 months in the womb by their parents with this protocol have all been born with the following traits: super healthy, born with their eyes open, self managed/governed, very easy to get along with, and demonstrate signs of possessing a superior intelligence – including a photographic memory.

How many parents would love to learn the principles behind Prenatal Empowerment™?  What social and economic impact will this have on the parents, their children, and society, as kids are so blessed?  He believes this may very well be the most powerful and revolutionary form of education in the history of the world!  His son Andrew was winning 1st place at spelling bee’s as soon as soon as he was old enough to enter (at four years old).  Andrew recently graduated high school early and moved to Hollywood to further develop his talents and live his dreams.

He is a scribe for human software and has made it relatively effortless for you and anyone else who is willing to choose greater empowerment.

• In 1995 – due to the combination of skills, accomplishments, and experience, his father trusted his son, ‘Dr Ez’ as a Trustee of the academy, and

• In 1998, his father stepped out of the Executive Director position of the academy and asked ‘Dr Ez’, to fill his shoes as the Executive Director of the academy, with responsibility over all the technical aspects of science, educational materials and programs.  Dr Ez had been diligently developing the actual science and new materials since 1993, so he easily accepted this responsibility as the new version of the Applied Lymphology Course (ALC) went through it’s biggest revision in history.

This is only a few highlights of the full history, yet his father was a ‘Nicola Tesla’ of the science behind the natural healing arts, the #1 authority in the world on Lymphology, who recognized Dr Ez as the next leader as early as 1995.  Dr Ez has been another ‘Nicola Tesla’ and ‘Edgar Casey’ type.  They even share some of the same astrology that goes along with such intuition and you really must study this work to understand and appreciate it.

• In 2000 – Interesting enough, on the subject of Math, he developed A Mathematical Phenomenon.  It’s true purposes and functions have yet to be fully discovered.  From the various geometrical shapes we’ve seen it take so far, it has produced some new pyramid, toroid, torus, and free energy math and science.  In 2015 – 15 years later he provided some updates through our YouTube channel.

• In 2003 – he and his dance partner won 1st place in the category of Cabaret at The Embassy Ball – the largest Ballroom Dance competition in the State of California.  Cabaret is most physically demanding of all ballroom dance styles, with lifts that requires great upper body strength and endurance from the male partner.  So healing of any prior injuries is essential.

• In May of 2007 – he credits divine inspiration again as he was enlightened with a process that enables him to produce what he calls Instant Mass Healing – which he demonstrates on a regular basis in introductory events, producing the same types of results every time.  This process is only done with everyone’s permission and utilizes superconscious principles discovered through the right combination of inspiration, education, and experience.

He has developed some of the most powerful processes for education, empowerment and healing and will expand your intelligence on many levels not all listed here.  He will amaze you with his in-depth knowledge in his areas of expertise, which includes hidden treasures of science.  He has built many training systems to change your life for the better.

His latest contributions include The Laws of Empowerment, revealing the path to create World Peace. While The Nrf2 Activist and Master Keys are revolutionizing and perhaps replacing previous models of medicine and pharma.

Are you ready to upgrade your genius?

Dr C Samuel West

DN, ND, Chemist, Nobel Prize Nominee, Father of Applied Lymphology & Sodium Potassium Pump (engine of the cells).